Monday, November 22, 2010


This week is Thanksgiving, which is why I'm doing a list of things I'm thankful for in regard to my weight loss. I am thankful for...
  • God, who has never left my side in this struggle. He is there to give me a way out of bad food decisions or laziness. He is there for me when I feel Satan pressing down on me to eat wrong and be lazy. He also made me realize this is a lifelong lifestyle, which was the turning point in this whole journey.
  • my husband, who is encouraging me to go on and is noticing the changes ;)
  • my family, who is also encouraging me to press onward.
  • my friends and their encouragement. Of course, some of them are on this journey with me and are an inspiration for me to move forward by the struggles they have overcome.
  • my body, which is whole and wonderful, no matter how many pounds I have to lose.
  • my gym and the person that is graciously paying for me to go there.
  • Truvia
  • Splenda flavorings and fat free creamer
  • seeing the small changes, such as: my towel wraps almost all around me, I can push harder and farther in spinning class, my rings are looser and my face is thinner.
  • frozen yogurt
  • being able to cross my legs (it's getting easier and easier)

That's all I can think of for now. Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

To Exercise or not to exercise...that is the question.

Today it is raining and very gloomy. Not exactly a day where you want to jump up and start exercising. Well, to be honest, every day I struggle w/the motivation to get out and move my toosh. It doesn't help matters that my gym in 35-40 min. away. Today, I could have gone south to the gym but then I looked at the piles of dirty dishes and the messy house and decided that today I would just stay home. Now, I do this knowing that I will be going to work out the rest of the week. That is the key to sticking to an exercise regime. You can have days off as long as you know you'll be getting back to it tomorrow or the next day after that. I try not to miss more than 2 days of exercise. I know that if I miss more than 2 days, it makes it that much harder to get back to the gym (and my muscles pay for it).

I look toward God everyday to give me the energy and motivation for getting out and exercising. He alone gives me what I need to keep on keeping on. It would be so much easier for me if Cleveland had a gym (with childcare) but I think that maybe this is another way God is showing me endurance by making me travel to G'ville for the gym. I know that Satan knows that I don't want to head south but then I remember God is there and He is not going to let me down. I get myself (and a 2 yr old) ready, get in the car and head down there. Then, the Christian radio station will play "Voice of Truth" or some other inspirational song and I know I am doing the right thing.

Maybe I'm not doing anything tremendous and exciting but I am fighting to get this weight off. I am fighting to show others that I can succeed.

So, if you are reading this and just NOT finding the motivation to exercise today, then just let it go but resolve NOW to get on that treadmill, elliptical, walk outside, or whatever TOMORROW. Don't put it off. God is there w/you, helping you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It was time. Time for new CLOTHES! All the sacrifices, all the frustration, all the sweat (and some blisters), all of it was worth it just to go into Kohl's and NOT have to shop in the big girl sizes anymore. PRAISE THE LORD!!! I was trying on clothes and I felt good in them. I felt pretty and sexy and confident. God is so good to me. He has held my hand through it all and finally I got to reap my reward for my hard work. And it has been hard. It's so much easier to eat what I want, when I want and how much I want. It's so much harder to eat right and exercise.

Now, my next goal is to have to go shopping come spring/summer. I know if I've made it this far, I can make it further.

So to all my LOSER (as in weight) friends out there, DON'T GIVE UP!!! Your day is coming where you will reap the rewards for your struggles with this evil called "fatty foods and laziness". You have been through it with me so I know you can succeed too. God knows it too.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Surprise! It fits!

Have you ever had that ONE thing in your closet that you've kept, hoping and praying that one day you would fit into it? Well, I got rid of almost all my old clothes when I would *gulp* grow out of them and have to buy bigger clothes, but I held onto one thing. A jeans skirt from Old Navy. It's one of those timeless (I think) pieces and a good jeans skirt is hard to find. I can't remember when I wore it last. I just know it's a size 16 and I haven't been that size since before Amelia was born over 5 years ago. Well, this Sunday I thought, "I wonder if it fits". And SURPRISE!! It does fit! And I could breath in it. WOW! I'm so glad I kept it.

This weekend is a fun weekend for me. I am going to see my sister and parents BUT I'm also going shopping!!! I have almost no clothes left that I can wear anymore which is a good problem to have but also a bad problem in terms of $$. It's not just clothes but it's also my unmentionables too. I know I've lost some inches b/c that's where I can really tell I've lost. I am so excited to go shopping. Usually, I'm not excited. Usually, it's a depressing idea. If you've been as overweight as I am, you know what I mean.

I will weigh in tomorrow night at church. I'm not looking forward to it. I hate the scale. Even when I lose all this weight I will still HATE the scale. The scale is a necessary evil.

So, if you are reading this and having trouble eating right and exercising, take heart! You can do it. Look up to God for guidance and strength. Take your struggle to Him all day and every day. Pray about specific things you struggle with. Mine were time for exercise, sugary foods and fast food. God has helped me overcome it ALL!!! I still struggle, the Lord knows I do, but I feel like I have a champion on MY side in this battle.