I'VE GOT A PLAN....hopefully...
You wanna know what one of my biggest frustrations is right now? Food prices. Every time I leave the grocery store, I'm mad. I'm mad that I have to hunt down the lowest milk prices like it's the golden egg at an Easter egg hunt. I'm mad that I have to go to a different grocery store for meat and a different grocery store for fruits and veggies. All in an effort to reduce my grocery bill! I've tried, tried, TRIED to do the coupon thing but I just can't get the hang of it. I use coupons when I have them but for the most part, I buy generic.
I was racking my little brain on what I could do to reduce food costs and still eat healthy and started reading up on menu planning. So starting in April, I hope to do a weekly menu. This will include all meals, including Amelia's lunches to school. I have high hopes that this will cut costs on food.
I'm also going to the library today to read up on low carb recipes and low carb living. I really need some help in how to do this low carb thing. I start out great in the morning but by the evening, I'm crashing and burning. I can tell I'm gaining weight by how my clothes are fitting so I need to do something. If I plan out my meals, HOPEFULLY I can actually stick to a low carb eating regimen.
I'm excited about starting this. As soon as my pants feel less constrained, I will get on the scale and see if I've lost anything. I can't look at the scale while I know it won't give me a good result. I know the scale doesn't measure my value as a person, but it certainly hurts my self-confidence!
Ok...let's do this.
I'm so with you on the food price thing. I'm thinking college funds are out and food funds for the kids' teenage years are in. "Sorry kids, you ATE your college money!!"
I tired to respond to this initially. We use e-meals, low carb plan. I tweak the list, especially the side dishes but for the most part we make it work, and it opened our eyes to how much money we were spending on lunches and snacks. That has curbed a lot too. They have an aldi Plan too, not sure of the low carb plan comes in Aldi though
I tired to respond to this initially. We use e-meals, low carb plan. I tweak the list, especially the side dishes but for the most part we make it work, and it opened our eyes to how much money we were spending on lunches and snacks. That has curbed a lot too. They have an aldi Plan too, not sure of the low carb plan comes in Aldi though
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