Tuesday, May 05, 2009

What I ate yesterday:

B-fast-fried egg w/2 pieces whole wheat bread w/jelly, my usual coffee

snack: 1/2 protein meal bar, popcorn

lunch: baked chips w/taco meat, onions and some cheese, lf sour cream, sweet tea

I was craving something sweet and had almost given up when I remember I had vanilla ice cream and caramel topping. It was a small serving and so good. I usually don't eat ice cream b/c I'm sort of lactose intolerate, but oh well. I wanted something sweet and satisfying. I need to buy some fudge bars b/c they help curb that sweet craving. I was going to have a small chocolate something, but I've been getting a lot of headaches from chocolate lately. I look back at this craving episode and think "Why didn't I lean on the Lord for satisfying this craving?". Well, it's b/c my craving (satan tempting me) won out over my own will. ARGH. This is so frustrating. I had such a great quiet time and then I go and forget that the Lord will provide. He would have provided for me to resist this temptation and I just didn't see that!

Dinner: 2 veggie dogs (fat free, nitrate free and loads of protein) on whole wheat bread w/lf mayo, mustard, ketchup and relish. I had some lime chips on the side. Sweet tea to drink.

I drank my water for the day (probably 25 oz). I know I need to drink more water but I have to work up the the 64 oz recommended.

As for what I did: I went to the gym and did biceps, triceps, quads and glutes. Then I did abs and walked for 35 min on the treadmill. I walked at 4 mph at an incline for about 20 min of that time. I also cleaned some of the house, did laundry, fixed dinners and lunches.

I will need prayer tonight as I spend a great evening w/some girlfriends to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. I'm sure there will be some great food and I will need to resist the urge to stuff myself silly.

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