Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My last big stumbling block: sweet tea.

Yesterday I drank more water than tea. I had one small glass during lunch but that was it all day. When I went to my job, I drank more water. I kept a 32 oz. water bottle next to my computer and drank that all day long. Then as a reward to myself, I drank one glass of tea at night. Now that I'm home, it's a lot harder to drink water all day. But after someone (thx Amanda) told me how many calories are in an 8 oz. glass (300!), now I am determined to give it up.

According to the gym treadmill's calorie counter, I burned almost 300 calories running/walking. That was a hard! Then I was coming home and drinking that same amount! No more! If sweet tea is what has kept me from losing weight, then I'm kicking that habit. I'm taking baby steps though. If I cut it off cold turkey, then I will crave it more. So I'm gonna drink water all day and have one glass at night.

The Bible is so awesome. This morning I read Galatians 4. Paul is writing to the Galatians about how they seemed to have fallen from their belief in Christ and turned back to their ways when they were slaves to false beliefs and false gods. First of all, as humans it is so much easier to believe in ourselves, other people or things (such as food, alcohol, etc). They give us temporary happiness that seems to make all our problems disappear. We have to keep coming back to that though, to get that "happiness". This is what Paul is telling them. In Galatians 4:8-9 he say, "Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you KNOW God-or rather are KNOWN by God-how is that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?" Can we all say WOW?! This really spoke to be this morning. God KNOWS me, more than my mother knows me, more than my husband knows me. He knows my heart and He wants to be a permenent resident. Isn't that awesome? God, who created everything we are and everything we see, wants me to KNOW Him! He wants us to throw off those weak and miserable principles for His strong and peaceful principles. WOW!

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