Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm reading a great devotional right now. A good friend of mine gave it to me, knowing how much I LOVE coffee. It's called "The Coffee Mom's Devotional" by Celeste Palermo. Today's devotion was on consistancy and resolve. God, in His awesomeness, knew I needed this. Since I'm striving to eat more fruits and veggies, it was good to read up on being consistent and having more resolve. I have been seeing results by choosing fruits over sweets and choosing veggies over chips. It's not easy though and sometimes, just plain not as good as those chips! I knew in my head that I had to cut out more carbs in my diet but it took someone else (not a family member) to tell me that.

I get so envious at other women, who seem to eat what they want and gain no weight at all. I eat better than they do and I struggle to lose 2 lbs! It seems so unfair. And what's even more frustrating is knowing that I will have to eat like this for the rest of my life. I know in my heart that God is leading me through this so that I can be a light for others and that's what I want. I want others to see me and see God's light shining through me. I want others to know that if you give ANYTHING to God, that He will bring you through the trial.

"Set your minds on things above, not earthly things." Colossians 3:2

Our rewards are not of this earth. I forget this often. We as human beings look all the time to earthly things and earthly rewards. A nicer house, car or big vacation. While having nice things is not wrong, if it's what we strive for then something is missing. I think about that with my weight. If a nicer body is what I'm striving for then why I am doing it? I truly want to lose this weight so I can tell the world that God is the reason. I do want to lose the weight for earthly reasons, don't get me wrong. I would love to be able to walk into Kohl's and buy some jeans in a size 8, but that's not the reason I'm doing this. God will be honored through this and my "reward" for honoring Him will be in Heaven. Simply living in Heaven for all eternity with God is a reward!

What are you striving for?

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