Friday, April 09, 2010

Monday is back to reality!

Well, I've not exercised these last two week. Last week's excuse was the girls. Rebekah was sick then Amelia. Both had things that I couldn't expose to other kiddos so working out at the gym was out of the question. I tried to work out at home by cleaning A LOT so I guess I did burn some calories.

Then this week's excuse is John and I went to Charlotte for our anniversary. Yeah...I could have worked out in the little (and that is literal) gym at the hotel, but really? We did do a lot of walking so I didn't fret. Then yesterday was busy at home, cleaning and getting ready for Rebekah's party. Today will be cleaning again and baking a cake.

Actually, I've enjoyed the break from my usual routine of workouts. Monday will be tough and I know I will be SORE but I'm looking forward to getting back to it. John and I are signed up for the Peachtree Road Race in July so I've got to start training AGAIN :)

Oh, and I've eaten way too much chocolate the last two days. Would it be awful for me to "oops...I threw all the candy away by accident"? That chocolate in my house is miniture versions of the devil itself!

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