Friday, July 08, 2011


In an effort to be more transparent, I must confess that my goal of losing a meager 10 lbs by July 10 has not happened. I think I may have lost about 2 lbs but no more than that. I must also confess this is 100% my fault. I have not exercised enough nor have I been strict about my eating. So those 2 things together = me staying the same. I prayed this morning that God would forgive me for failing at this little goal but it's harder to forgive myself. When you are overweight and struggle with eating/exercise, the trap you fall into is "I'll always fail at this so what's the point?". I know that I am feeling that today. I think it's because I don't eat or drink a lot of foods that typically cause people to gain weight, like fast food, fried foods and soft drinks. I eat turkey burgers, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, fruit, veggies and try to avoid sweets. This has helped me maintain my current weight but not lose. It's frustrating but that's my reality.

I leave tomorrow for the beach. I vow to watch what I'm eating and not make the mistake of saying "I'm on vacation so who cares!". I will also be doing a lot of active things, like biking and hopefully, kayaking, as well as playing on the beach with my family. (Now, I also hope to sit on my bum and read a book while basking in the sunlight too!)

Hopefully, by having a plan NOW before the trip will help me keep focused and not gain the usual 5 lbs.

So, I've not achieved my goal but it's not the end of the world. I will just keep on plugging along. The summer is a crazy time, with no routine (which is something I thrive on). I know it will be extra hard to stay focused but I know I can keep losing, even if it's just 2 lbs every six weeks.

1 comment:


Hello! Congratulations on making it past your halfway point in your Weight Loss Journey!

Haven't seen or talked to you in forever! I hope you don't hate me. Just decided to update my blog since I'm home and ran across your blog! It's soooo good to see you doing well on your weight loss journey.

Need to call you! :)
