Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Long time, no blog..again

Sorry for not blogging in awhile. I kind of went into a slump of sorts and just didn't feel like it, but I need to get back in the swing of things. I went to my mom's all last week and boy...did I eat good. They had ice cream, donuts, etc. All kind of things I NEVER buy for myself. Plus, mom fixed dinner for us almost every night and boy, that was NICE. I think I gained whatever weight I had lost :(. Oh well, back on the wagon again.

Ode to my body
I'm trying to love my body NOW, as it is and with all it's flaws. My body is great. My body has carried 2 precious girls for 9 months. My body has run in marathons, jumped ropes, swam in the ocean and rode horses. My body walked down the aisle to marry a wonderful Christian man. My body is getting stronger, even if there is a ton of blubber over it (ha ha). I have 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 feet, 2 hands, healthy lungs and a healthy heart (as far as I know). I have 2 eyes and ears that work well and hair that is pretty darn thick. My body has chased a couple of little girls around the house. My body has climbed mountains and walked on sea shores. I think all this is pretty darned good!

Then why do I obsess about my appearance? Why do I look at myself and feel grossed out by my own image? Why do I forget that the real reason I'm put on this earth is to glorify God? It's complicated. I think I obsess about appearance b/c I compare myself to other women. I know, I know...I shouldn't do that but I would be lying if I said I didn't do that. I think...why does she have the "thin" gene and not me? It's frustrating but part of life. I'm trying to see myself as God sees me. That should be my focus, but often I forget that. God is working on me...inside and out.

I'm reading "Believing God" by Beth Moore. A friend at church recommended it to me b/c I really needed something to blow me away. Well, I just read the first chapter and OM Gosh...did it blow me away. The concept is do you really BELIEVE GOD or do you just believe IN God? God says I will have victory. God says I will slay my demons. God says I will be blessed. I have to BELIEVE HIM that all will happen. Man, do I struggle with that. I think it's b/c I've failed at weight loss for so long that I don't believe God that I will win. That thought stops today. I will not fail at this. I will not. Beth Moore said this in her book, "NO VICTORY IS WORTH WINNING IF YOU DON'T FIGHT TO WIN IT." Well, I'm fighting now.

There's a strong, toned, thinner me inside my body that WILL GLORIFY GOD ALMIGHTY when I get to where HE wants me to be.

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