Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Weight has not changed!!!! ARGH...why?!?

This is when I get most frustrated. I am doing all I can to lose this weight and NOTHING HAPPENS. I am avoiding fast food, white bread (and white pastas), fried foods and sugary sweets. My muscles hurt from working out. What else can I do?

All I can say is that I'm glad that I read my "Believing God" before I stepped on the scale. I have hope b/c I am believing God will deliver me from all this. Ok, so no weight has come off but I'm still doing things right. I'm exercising and cutting stuff out of my diet. This morning (before I weighed) I prayed and laid it all in God's lap. I guess I've not done that yet. I am putting on the shield of faith that He will hold me through this.

Having said all that, I'm still depressed. I can't help it, I'm human. It's like I'm climbing a mountain. I've got all my heavy gear on my back and I've got all the right stuff on for a successful climb. So I start climbing...I'm sweating and sweating, moving up and over, finding the right holes to advance upward. Then I look down and my feet are still on the ground. All that hard work, was it for NOTHING? So you see, I have 2 sides to myself. The ever believing side and the ever doubtful. It is truly God vs Satan inside of me.

So my weight (according to my home scale) is 225 still. UGH.

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