Today is Tuesday? doesn't feel like it
For breakfast I had 2 pieces of whole wheat bread w/jelly and a fried egg. I had my usual coffee. We had play group today. Nicole made chicken salad (which was yummy). I had some on a crousant and had carrots, broccoli and dip. I also had a handful of doritoes and sweet tea.
Amelia and I went outside and washed the car. Then we played in the water too! It was nice but cold water...brrrr.
I fixed spaghetti for dinner. I use ground turkey (93% fat free) and whole wheat noodles. I made my own garlic bread on whole wheat. I had some sweet tea.
Sweet tea is my NUMBER 1 weakness. I know this so I try to drink it only at eating times. I'm trying to keep my water bottle filled w/water and I drink that between meals. It's very hard to drink water now that I'm a stay at home mom. When I was working, I drank water very well b/c it was next to the computer and easy to drink. Now, I rarely sit down all day and I never seem to focus on drinking water. What's crazy is I am SOOO busy all day, yet I was gaining weight AGAIN. It has to be what I'm eating, so I need to change that, I know.
Another thing I'm not doing is spending time in the Word and with God. This has fallen on the wayside and is another reason I haven't lost weight. I keep taking my focus off the Lord and without His guidance, I am vulnerable to Satan creeping in and tempting me with laziness and food I shouldn't eat. A good friend at church suggested I get Beth Moore's "Believe God". I have to wait until John's check is in the bank but I plan on buying it very soon!
i enjoy reading your blog. sounds like you are really getting into a routine. it is inspiring me to remember to eat healthy too. have you tried to make iced tea and sweeten it with splenda? maybe that would help u be able to drink it whenever you want but not sacrifice the calories.
Hey! I am so proud of you for all that you are doing! I am pretty sure that I have that Bible Study and book in the library. I will check on that for you.
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